Privacy Policy

Bentley Plaza Dental Clinic is committed to the responsible management of personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) outlined in the Privacy Act 1988. This policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and protect your personal information to ensure your privacy is safeguarded.

What Information Do We Collect?
We collect only the information necessary to provide our dental services effectively. This includes:Name, contact details, and demographic information (age, date of birth, gender).Dental and medical history.Current health status and medications.Health insurance details.For patients using our payment plan options, we may also collect credit card details, which are either returned or destroyed post-processing.

How Do We Collect Your Information?
Your personal information is collected through:Patient questionnaires and forms.Verbal communication during consultations.Third parties such as health insurance providers, other healthcare practitioners, and as permitted by you.In cases where a patient cannot provide information (e.g., minors or individuals unable to consent), we require details from a legal guardian or authorised representative.

Use of Your Personal Information
Your personal information is used to:Assess eligibility and safety for dental treatments.Manage and administer your patient file.Process billing and insurance claims.Provide follow-up care and reminders.Communicate important practice information.

Accuracy of Information
We strive to keep your information accurate and up-to-date by:Updating records during each visit.Making amendments upon your notification of changes.

Protection and Storage of Your Information
We ensure the confidentiality and security of your personal information through:Staff training on privacy and security.Secure storage of electronic records.Data backup procedures.Using only locally hosted servers and not engaging offshore computing services.Secure destruction or de-identification of records after 7 years, or as per legal requirements for minors.

Disclosure of Your Information
We disclose your personal information to third parties only when:You have provided explicit consent.It is necessary for emergency contact purposes.Required for referrals or second opinions.Legal obligations necessitate disclosure.

Accessing and Correcting Your Personal Information
You have the right to access and correct your personal information. Requests for access or correction can be made:In writing, by email, or telephone.We may charge a reasonable fee for the retrieval of certain types of information.

Resolving Your Concerns
For questions or complaints about our privacy practices, please contact us during office hours. We aim to respond promptly and effectively to all inquiries and concerns.

Contact Information Please contact our clinic for any further information regarding this policy or to request a copy by mail or email.

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Building lasting relationships through unwavering integrity and excellence in dental care.


Upholding the highest standards of dental practice to ensure your health and safety.

Care & Service

Prioritising your comfort and well-being with compassionate, personalised dental services.


Dedicated to enhancing your dental health and smile with cutting-edge technology and expertise.

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