Single Tooth Implant

Single Tooth Implant

Single tooth replacement is a common dental procedure that can restore the appearance and functionality of a patient’s smile.

About the service

Single Tooth Implants at Perth

Replacing a single tooth is a routine dental procedure designed to rejuvenate both the look and function of a patient's smile. This treatment generally includes the insertion of a dental implant—a tiny titanium post—into the jawbone via surgery. This post functions as a new root for the missing tooth, providing a solid and durable base for the subsequent attachment of a prosthetic tooth. At Bentley Plaza Dental Clinic, we adopt a holistic approach to single tooth implants, focusing on not just the aesthetic aspect but also on functionality and the enduring oral health of our patients. By leveraging state-of-the-art dental technologies and sophisticated techniques, we ensure outcomes that are both precise and beneficial.

Choose Single Tooth Implants at Bentley Plaza Dental Clinic

Single Tooth Implant can provide a long-term solution for restoring the function and appearance of a missing tooth. The first step is to consult with us to determine if you are a good candidate for a dental implant. During this visit, we will examine your mouth and take X-rays to assess the condition of your jawbone and the surrounding teeth. We will also discuss your medical history and any medications you are taking. The procedure for all dental implants, single or not, follows a similar pattern in Australia. Your dentist will communicate everything to you from the outset. However, do not hesitate to ask questions or seek clarification if needed.

A major reason you should is that it can cause bone loss. When you chew, your natural tooth root stimulates your jawbone, giving it good bone density. Missing teeth do not provide such stimulation, and the jawbone can begin to reduce if left without a root. So, a single tooth will restore your nice smile and the function of your teeth. A single implant will let you enjoy all the foods you once enjoyed without stress. Best of all, they look like your natural teeth, so no one could tell you that you have an artificial tooth.